creating Safe Family Connections

Professional Supervised Visitation

Allow me to introduce you to A Family’s Heart, a professional supervised visitation service purposed to meet the needs of the families of the Deschutes County and Central Oregon region.

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Creating Safe Family Connections

A FAMILY’S HEART, LLC Professional Supervised Visitation

  • AFH: A professional supervised visitation service that is purposed with meeting the needs of the families of Deschutes County and the Central Oregon region.

  • There is a great need in Central Oregon for this vital service. AFH is among the excellent service providers in this area of need.

  • Where families experiencing disruption or dysfunction have the opportunity to maintain and continue their parent/child bond.

  • The family is the backbone of society. A positive and healthy parent-child bond creates the best outcome for children.

  • I am extensively trained as a monitor for supervised visitations. I believe the more equipped I am as a provider, the better the outcome for the family.

  • I am highly qualified to provide this critical service and was encouraged by several professionals to pursue this avenue.

  • Providing compassionate, secure, family focused care is essential in these sensitive circumstances.

  • Therefore, I am looking to help satisfy this demand and benefit our community.

I worked as an advanced level Social Worker Investigator for 20 years

Court ordered visits require compassion and experience.

Therefore, A Family's Heart helps to satisfy the demand in this area of family life and benefit our community at the same time. This is a sensitive area of family life that requires the compassion and experience that I am able to provide to the clients who find themselves in this sensitive circumstance.

I would love the opportunity to work in support of families as they walk through the family court process. My services are listed on the flyer I’ve provided. I offer a sliding scale ranging from $75 -$125/hr. I am happy to answer any questions you may have and can be reached at the information provided here.


Contessa Mendoza

I grew up in Los Angeles, Ca where a passion and a heart for children and families experiencing difficult life circumstances was birthed in me at a very young age. I was a teenage mom going through some difficult life challenges myself, but this motivated me to graduate high school with honors and go on to graduate with honors with a B.A in Psychology from Cal State Northridge, and auxiliary AA degrees in Sociology and Child Development. I also went on to become a pastor in the local church.

In my adult life I've been a foster parent and also mentored many youth and young adults as they grow and work through their own life challenges. I've held multiple positions in the social work field; most recently as an advanced level Social Worker Investigator for 20 years in Los Angeles at the largest law firm in the country representing children in the dependency court system (CLC LA). I have an adult daughter who is my pride and joy and I now enjoy life in Bend surrounded by all the beautiful nature. I get to live the "Bend life" with all the outdoor activities, participate in volunteer organizations that I'm passionate about and work in a career that fits my heart and my skills.

  • Bilingual English/Spanish

  • 25 Years of Experience

  • In Court Services

  • Extensive Training as a Visitation Supervisor

  • Visitation Scheduling and Coordination

  • Professional, Compassionate and Family Focused Care

  • Creating Safe Family Connections


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supervised visitation

Why is it necessary

The children’s safety and well-being is the utmost priority to all involved.

visits are ordered by a judge

Ensure safety and well-being

A monitor is assigned to oversee the visit.

monitor or supervisor

A court approved monitor

Supervision providers follow guidelines for facilitating a healthy visit, including mandated reporting and emergency protocols.

Supervising a visit

Important aspects of this role

Beyond the presence at the visit there are several duties involved in order to facilitate and ensure a healthy family visit.

What is supervised visitation and why is it necessary? 

Supervised visitation is a specified amount of time ordered by a judge for a parent and child/children to visit each other in the presence of a monitor who will oversee the visit. The children’s safety and well-being is the utmost priority to all involved. Supervised visits are ordered by a judge in family law court or dependency court when there are allegations of abuse or neglect from one or both parents. To ensure the safety and well-being of the child/children while maintaining the connection between parent and child, a monitor is assigned to facilitate and oversee the visit. The monitor has specific rules and guidelines to follow and enforce during the visit to allow the most positive experience possible for the parent and child during their time together. These visits can take place in a designated office or in a community setting depending on the safety issues and appropriateness specific to the case issues and family involved. 

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What is a professional visitation monitor or supervisor? 

This is a person who has had state-approved training and becomes certified as a visitation monitor. This training includes a variety of topics that pertain to the safety and well being of the child such as guidelines for facilitating a healthy visit, mandated reporting and emergency protocols, and the specifics of the role and responsibilities. This person gets the approval of a judge and the related attorneys to act as a neutral party overseeing a parent’s visit time with their child/children. Having a neutral party benefits all parties in a case by keeping an objective position and acting as a trained witness as to the dynamics of the visit. It can help a parent maintain or develop a positive role in their child’s life with a person present to attest to the nature of the parent and child’s engagement to the court.

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What is involved in supervising a visit?

Beyond the actual travel to and presence at the visit there are several duties involved. This includes meeting with each parent and the child (if age appropriate) to give orientation as to the rules and guidelines of a visit, as well as scheduling and coordinating visits, documentation and reporting, emailing (or phone calls) updates and reports to case parties/attorneys, testifying in court, and administrative and office management duties. A lot of work goes into each family, each case, and each visit to ensure the best possible outcome. The cost of services takes all of this into consideration.

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Have a Blessed Day

A Deschutes County Service!

Beautiful Bend, Oregon is a place where healthy families can thrive.

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